Tuesday, May 28, 2013 • 10:40 PM • 0 comments Nobody after him has made her start to believe that someone would actually be crazily in love with her until he came into her life. So sudden. So intense. So quickly she was swept off her feet.Nobody has made her believe that someone would love her so very much and the next moment, just dropped her and left her all alone in the dark. No communication. Just cold, hard walls of silence. So sudden. So intense. So terribly she was weeping through the nights. She made a card that never got sent because he never came. It is a painful situation that two persons in love should have to end up this way. Running
• 12:14 AM • 0 comments Running calms me. Running allows me to just keep moving on and on. My mind could be filled with fleeting thoughts of randomness and I'll still be running and I'll still be on track. It doesn't matter if I'm fast or slow, I'm moving on and that is all that matters to me. So when people say they like running in new places, for me, new places fluster me. I like familiarity. I like just running aimlessly yet I know where I am and I won't be lost. I like the ideas that come flooding into my head as I run. Sometimes I'm so filled with anger, I just want to tire myself out to feel too tired to feel anything at all. However, I do not reject new places. I love exploring, just that unlike running in familiar places where I can shut myself up and just run on and on while my brain does the wandering; when in new territories, my eyes wander all over to take in the new sights, my ears to take in new sounds and my nose to take in new scents and I tend to run abit slower because running becomes secondary to the joy for and curiosity towards the wonderful new environment. It's also less personal time for myself to reflect on the day's events and to generate new ideas and to mull over issues.I like running. But my knees and my back do not agree with me. I'm unhappy. I seemed to have helped with all the write-ups so far while you have appeared to be more concerned with the holiday than the amount of paper work needed to be done. So why do i feel that you blamed me for not being to go for some of the activities? I would have thought of blaming you but I didn't. Honestly, I thought something like this might've happened but I had no other choices. :( I would like to quit and do whatever I want for awhile. I'm not sure if I am financially capable of that though. :( Time waits for no one. I vividly remember this on the cover of the foolscap pad that mum used to buy for us when we were young. How true, indeed. And now talk about Time. Time is one of the greatest forces of all...time. It is the silent killer of all feelings, the perfect ingredient for luck and success and the best teacher for every one of us. Time heals all wounds, erodes all feelings and takes some pain away. No, I won't say completely but definitely most of it. Perfect timing, people always say. Indeed, to do the right, or even wrong, thing at the right time almost guarantees you success. Unfortunately, such perfect timings, do not come more than once or twice. Time teaches us lessons through the experiences we have gone through every living seconds, minutes, hours, days. We may or may not learn from the lessons but we definitely gain experiences. I subscribe very much that time dulls feelings and memories and that right timing is crucial in most situations. I'm also very sure that everyone of us has learnt a thing or two from the times we have had through our lives thus far. If you know me well, I'm a random person. As much as I prefer familiarity, I hate mundane-ness. I like to move on, try new things, explore and be happy. So time is important to me and time passes by even more quickly for someone like me. Recently, someone made me realised timing is really important and that with time, things change and I hope he learnt something this time. Noone likes to play second fiddle. Everyone wants to be treasured. And so like Travis sings... I'm feeling like a driftwood but I don't want to drift anymore. I want to reach my shore. So where's the shore? Land Ahoy! God bless. Labels: 2013, anger, colleagues, driftwood, family, friends, ideas, life, love, money, quit, running, time, travel, Travis, work, youth to be honest
Monday, May 27, 2013 • 12:38 AM • 0 comments happy and excited to know of your immensity of lovedays were good but my defenses were up past became experiences or baggage to some everything had to be absolutes pushed to the extremes just to be sure, just to feel secure bricks were laid, foundations built but then the walls still did crumble down exposed and vulnerable once again it all felt so hauntingly familiar now so vexed and confused to go, feelings invested, hearts will be broken yet to stay, solid walls have to be built so then you'll build me a house of your love and commitment and there will be devotion and love in return. What is love? What is marriage?
Wednesday, May 22, 2013 • 10:19 PM • 0 comments A child asked a wise man, "What is love?"The wise man replied, "in order to answer your question, go to the wheat field and choose the biggest wheat and come back. However you can go through it only once and you cannot turn back to pick." The child went to the field, going through the first row, he saw one big wheat, but he wondered whether there may be a bigger one later. Then he saw another bigger one and wonder if there may be an even bigger one waiting for him. Later, when he finished more than half of the wheat field, he started to realise that the wheat is not as big as the previous one he saw, he knew he had missed the biggest one, and he had regretted it. So, he returned to the wise man empty-handed. The wise man told him, "my child, this is love. You kept looking for a better one, but when you realise that every one you meet is no longer better, you have already missed the one." "What is marriage then?" the child asked. The wise man said, "in order to answer your question, go to the corn field and choose the biggest corn and come back. The same rule applies - you can go through it only once and you cannot turn back to pick." The child went to the corn field and this time he was careful not to repeat his mistake. When he reached the middle of the field, he picked a medium-sized corn which he felt would satisfy the criteria and came back to the wise man. The wise man told him, "this time you brought back a corn and you looked for one that is just nice. You had faith and believed that this is the best one you get. So child, this is marriage." Some of us are fortunate to have met someone we loved and knew he was the one. Most of us stumbled in the game of love and suffered a few heart aches before we decided on someone who feels right. Yet, there are those who fell in love, fell out of love and never found someone to settle with. Whom am I right for, the one would love me for me? I may not be perfect but I am ready to be found and to love. God, let me be found and treasured. Labels: 2013, life, love, marriage This is so me! :)
Thursday, May 16, 2013 • 1:22 AM • 0 comments ![]() I need daily assurances that I'm worth loving and that you love me. <3 I still wish for that sunshine, sea waves, careless life kinda holiday far far away with someone who loves me and for me to love. Labels: 2013, emo, hawaii, holiday, love |
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