So on Friday I lost my new leopard print hair-tie and felt pretty bummed. Then Saturday, I lost my iPhone 5. FML. It's 32gb somemore. ARGH! That could earn that cold-hearted, inconsiderate, warty, sick piece of crap $1000 at some ah beng store. Really hope this is to mark the end of all things bad so that 2014 is awesome and smoothsailing.
IMEI is 013626002095385. Get him into jail please!
There goes my bag fund. =(

Labels: 2013, 2014, balenciaga, iPhone 5, karma
Seoul-ful Sights
10 years of friendship celebrated with a trip to Seoul. Indeed, it was good for the soul. ;)
Identity crisis during the trip...
I wanted to be a man...a frenchie, with a curly wurly mustache. Bonjour, I am Dominique.
sometimes a kitty without the mouth...
or maybe a giraffe?
But mostly, I wanna be a kitty cat. *meow*
Beautiful winter slopes
Freedom village in the North. It's a sight to behold how differences in thoughts can separate the same people.
My brother and I had a conversation about how the world perceived the northies to be suffering when they could be happy. Friends and I had a similar conversation. Sharing of articles on facebook on both sides of the coin - how people are happy and don't need the 'privileged'to help versus we are self-deluded into thinking that poor can be happy in their own ways so that we feel better about ourselves.
First, happiness can be measured at so many levels - wealth, health and security. I find it difficult to write it into a GP essay/argument so I'm gonna just write my thoughts in points.
- Like everything else, there is always a curve. X-axis as one of the 3 factors and Y-axis as the happiness level. Up to a certain point, happiness level will plateau. No matter how much more money, health and security is given, you won't be any more happier.
- Happiness and contentment are different concepts but they are also mindsets. They are determined by the individual and are dependent on the amount of resources and the circumstances in which one is bounded by. For e.g., I am born in a farm and I am contented with life as long as i am healthy to work, have food, shelter and my family in good health. I am happy when the weather is good, harvest is good and when there are no natural disasters or poor health. However, if I am ambitious and not contented with a little farm house because I've seen bigger houses on TV or I am driven by factors like i need more money to seek treatment for a family member, then I may not be happy with life and would want to go out there to earn more money.
- Someone can be contented with life at how it is now because their knowledge of a good life is shaped by their society and culture. Maybe if they are given knowledge of alternative forms of good life, they may no longer be contented and happy with life.
- So maybe the northies are contented with life because that's the life they are born into and they are bounded by circumstances (i.e., they cannot leave the country). Therefore, they might as well live their life to the fullest. Are they happy and contented? Yes, at this point in time. However, given the freedom of choice to leave or stay? Some may want to, others may not. Because everyone has a different plateau/peak in the curve.
- The beggars you see along streets or children with bloated stomachs because they have lack of proteins in their diets? They are probably happy and contented if they can have food and shelter everyday. Is that the end? To let them choose food and shelter everyday or a chance at being educated and work for a living? I won't be surprised if some choose option 1 and others, option 2. Because everyone has a different plateau/peak in the curve. However to not give them the basic food and shelter and security, then they are at the start of the curve and would therefore, definitely not be happy or contented.
- In short, happiness is a very very effy concept and has many grey areas. The only way to know if someone is happy, is simply to ask. Even then, they may not really know better either. Most importantly, neither do we. It's a self-perceived value afterall.
Ok, enough of the dreary. It's almost 2014. I really hope it will be an awesome year. More health, more wealth, good travels, good peace, good food, good love and more good progression. Cheers!
Labels: 2013, 2014, BFF, food, happiness, health, holiday, hope, korea, love, north korea, peace, seoul, ski, snow, travel, wealth, winter, work, yongpyong ski resort
Previously on Earth • Presently in Paradise