Like a child who lost her lollies
Saturday, June 20, 2015 • 9:49 PM • 0 comments
Victoria is beautiful. I love her nature and one can imagine how frustrated and sad I am to have lost the ability to explore her for a long time. I'm still thankful to be alive and that recovery, no matter how slow and painful, will come. But 2nd May and the days to follow, was an unpleasant period in my entire life so far. I really hope nothing like this would happen to me or anyone I love again. This photo was taken shortly before it happened. I still love exploring the wilderness and I can't wait to be back out there again.
I could only pray for the wisdom and strength to recover mentally, emotionally, spiritually and definitely physically.When I am, the world will know and I hope I will be able to forgive and move on.
Having my mother to care for me, was heaps of help to me. I appreciate the company although I have been really quick tempered due to all that frustration which has been better these days. Living alone has its perks and troughs but at times like these, I'm thankful for support from family and friends. Only in times of difficulties, you know who are those who really do care and show actions for it.
It's always amazing to have company. Many times in my life, I could have had found company but I guess I never really wanted company. I wanted someone who provides more than that. Chemistry is important and then after that, I want someone I could learn from and whom I can teach and we respect each other's expertise, so that we could grow and learn together. I want someone who is giving enough to let me win but quietly confident of himself. I want someone with dreams and ambitions and the drive to pursue them because I want to look up to him and run along side him with my dreams and ambitions. I want someone who has similar wide-ranging tastes in life like food, music, travel, books, movies, so that we can share our love for them and create new experiences together. Most of all, I want to feel and know that I am more important than anyone and anything in the world to him because I know one day, he'll be the world to me. I may not satisfy these wants, but as long as I'm breathing, I still hope one day, someone will love me like I do and that I will know that I love him too.
Meanwhile, I pray for love, peace, health and happiness. Amen.
Buenas Nouches.
Labels: 2015, accident, australia, God, hope, kangeroo, life, love, victoria |
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